Final Footnotes
As the semester is wrapping up, I find myself reminiscing on my time spent in New Orleans so far.
We are currently on the Brain and Behavior block of the semester having just finished up the reproductive and endocrine system. The material continues to challenge us and we have reached a point where studying has been effectively streamlined and incorporated into our daily routine. Academia and volunteering aside, I plan on supplementing my education with research next semester and will look forward to contribute to scientific development.
I was able to involve myself in a number of volunteering opportunities this month, one of which included the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Uncork the Cork event. Although set up was seemed a bit of a drag, catering with my friends was a real treat.
Speaking of, Thanksgiving break in Dallas was pretty fun considering the weather changes. While there, I was able to truly exemplify the spirit of Thanksgiving by volunteering at my local Habitat for Humanity.
As the path for my future becomes a little more clear, I'm reminded of the teachings of leader of the transcendentalist movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
It's gonna be a busy few months from now on, and I can expect that my aspirations and my responsibilities to be exponentially magnified from here on out. I guess the best I can hope for is to keep moving forward.
Community Service Hrs (November): 26
Total: 34
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